"Evil doesn't take a holiday, neither do I" --- Tanya ScorpionGirl
and a cast of 1000s...
Dear Readers,
Over at the Playboy mansion; evil spawns yet another dastardily head. Wicked!
You see Readers the 'Dark Princess aka Jenna J Jameson ( http://clubjenna.com) of the floundering media empire 'The Daily Smut' has kidnapped to of Hollywood's two greatest felines celeberitis Marilyn Millenium & Catwoman and held them for ransom. Dastardily!
Dr. Evil who now resides in Minnesota ( A known towering cesspool of evil. ) has join forces with none other than gorgeous villianess 'Nemeisis' aka Lana Lotts!. Oh my god what could these two wrong doers be doing together. Is Humanity now doomed? Doomed...!
Our story begins in Fridley, Minnesota at a non-descript Hair Salon. A phone rings and a angry older gentlemen picks up and scowls into the mouth piece.
SPEAKER: "Hello Hair Club, for men?"
NEMEISIS : "Hello, I'm looking for CEO of Evil, incorporated?"
SPEAKER: "I'm sorry all we do here is treat male pattern baldness.."
NEMEISIS "Dr. Evil?, Dr. Evil is that you? It's Nemeisis.."
SPEAKER: "Lana, I mean Nemeisis let me call you from another phone."
DR. EVIL "Mini Mimi take over here. Give Mr Johnson a rinse and the 'Chia' treatment. I've got ot go! "
Sudenly, dear readers Dr. Evil Takes off his hair net and rushes to back. He presses the secret big red button to the "Elevator of doom". With a 'Whoosh' sound the doors fling open, Dr. Evil jumps in tournd around and says to the World...
From 1000 meters below the 'Hair Club' for Men of Fridley Minnesota...
Dr. EVIL: "Yes, Nemeisis Dr. Evil Here..."
Nemeisis: "Still in the Hair Business, Who Do You Waste Your time?"
Dr. Evil : "Are you making an offer darling? Quie Mr. Bigglesworth"
Nemeisis: "My employer the 'The Dark Princess' owner and producer for the Media Conglomerate[ http://tanyascorpiongirl.blogspot.com/2004_03_07_tanyascorpiongirl_archive.html#107922092743685811 ] the 'Daily Smut' wants to make you an offer you won't refuse"
Dr. Evil : "Look I won't settle for a measley million dollars. Not this time. I have at my disposal the ultimate weapon..."
Nemeisis "We know, we'll give you $100 Miliion for Project X"
Dr Evil : "A $100 Million. ("Geeez") I'll take it!"
Nemeisis : "So how is PowerGirl II..."
Dr. Evil: "She's Ferocious...Look at what she doing for me right now on the TV Monitors"
Eghads! PowerGirl 2 what has beome of you...
Dr. EVil :
"I've crossed Scorpion-Girl's DNA with that of PowerGirl from Planet Krypton."
"Haaaaaaaah! Haaaaah!"
I've created the ultimate supervillian right under their do-gooding noses. I control her with my magic kryptonite (Pleasure/Pain) key. And this key will cost you millions Lana...
Nemeisis: "I'm the Ulitimate! ... Anyways we are prepared to pay you handsomely!. Dr. Evil and you'll soon be Governor of Minnesota."
Dr. Evil: "Governor!, You mean King!......"
Who Is PowerGirl I: http://my.execpc.com/~icicle/POWERGIRL.html
Is PowerGirl 2... |
HUMOUR STOP: On a more serious note the Iraqi Prisoner thing is about to really explode. The Seymour M. Hersh has written some excellent articles that will open your eyes.
Sadly this mess will undermine all the hard work done by our armed forces.
The US vs 1.3 Billion people...Oy Veh!